Allah – The Almighty Creator Allah is not in need of anything or anyone, but everything depends on Him.
Allah – The Almighty Creator He says ‘be!’ and it is. Everything happens by His will. His power has no limit..
For how long were Madani Surahs revealed ? 10 years.
How many times are we told to offer prayer in the Quran Approximately 700 times.
Faith Protection Observing the compulsory acts carefully and carrying them out.
Quran Namings Al-Furqan (The Criterion-for judging right from wrong).
What is the Subject-Matter of the Quran ? The Quran, the last revealed word of Allah, is the primary source of every Muslim’s faith and practice. It deals with all the subjects that concern human
Those whom Allah is not pleased with Those who carelessly waste their resources and money.
The Characteristics of Islam Islam is a universal religion and it is a guide for all of humanity without any limits of race or geographical location. The Prophet was sent for all of mankind (Anbiya
Faith Benefits Almighty Allah says in the Quran: “O mankind, worship your Lord, who has created you, and those before you, so that you may fear. It is He who has made the earth your
Considered as the best of stories, Surah Yusuf reminds us how to never lose faith in Allah swt through the following situations: – Prison turns into freedom for a non-guilty person – Sickness turns into
Where did Prophet Muhammad first receive revelation ? In Ghare Hera (cave Hera) in Jabl-e-Noor (Noor Mountain) on the road to Mina about 3 miles to the East of Macca.
How old was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) when the first revelation came to him ? 40 years old.
Which Surah begins with a pair of abbreviated letters (huruf muqatta’at) ? Surah ash-Shura begins with a pair of these: Ha-Mim and Ayn-Sin-Qaf.
Which Surah has all verses ending with letter ‘Dal’ ? Surah Al-Ikhlaas.